Shanghai! Forest of soaring buildings, of stone, glass, and pearls! City also of pushy subways, pleading beggars, and transient waves of pollution. The traveler a peaceful, successful night spends with an old friend. Magnum ice cream for breakfast, clear skies, and a destination not for tourists, but for youth in the morning a Fine day make.

The friends travel outwards, from the city but not the beauty distancing themselves.

Building expressing purpose. Within the Museum of Science and Technology, escalators' innards shielded by glass alone!

Children play, learn, create, compete.

The friends through exhibits wander and at 4D movies wonder. Seats blasted back by cannon fire, pirates spitting, a sea breeze! Children in the audience squeal and giggle. The two largest for a photo pose.

Time at the museum flies, save for time spent in the Texatron Balancer, which spins! Either way, it too quickly passes. The traveler of her friend takes leave, a meal of street food consumes, a train enters.

Roaming about the train, she observes the 'hard seats,' often not seats at all, rather permission to wedge and jam in with hundreds of others into a car. Towards the rear of the train she ventures through increasingly thick crowds; walking through aisles, wading through people , finally halted at the 15th car by the sheer density of people. Back to car 3 she journeys, to the 3rd tier bunk climbs, and in relative luxury falls into a deep sleep.
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