Hi guys,
I know you want to hear all about my super-awesome trip... but it's going to have to wait a little bit. I haven't even finished rotating all my pictures into the correct orientation, and I have a bunch of stuff to do at work... So for now I'll just comment on Beijing's Olympic Preparations.

A bunch has changed in the week I was away. As I rode a bus back to Haidian Qu (the district where I work) yesterday, the tv switched from news about the Olympics to cartoons of the Five Friendlies (the adorable Olympic mascots, seen above). Next I noticed volunteers on the street corners with little placards holding back the flocks of bicycles so that people can walk with increased safety across the streets. I went to the subway station and saw a table with an Olympic volunteer ready to answer questions. The new subway line, number 10, is letting people ride after a month of testing, and the ticketing process all over has been made smoother. There are more workers near the trains around keeping an eye on people so that they queue up to get onto the subway instead of shoving their way in. Gardeners are making Olympic-themed arrangements in front of hotels. Even the weather is magically nice again, with a light blue sky and some wispy clouds up there. Wow.
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